Underground Sun Storage 2030 - Start

Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz

As an interdisciplinary research institution the Energy Institute at JKU Linz (EI-JKU) has comprehensive competence in the fields of energy law, energy economics and energy technology can look back on many years of intensive research in the field of power-to-gas. During this time the Energy Institute has built up extensive expertise in techno-economic and ecological assessment as well as legal analysis in connection with the development of power-to-gas value chains. This know-how is rounded off with the competence to carry out qualitative environmental analysis to develop recommendations for action for successful technology implementation.

Project goals

The Energy Institute pursues the following goals in the project:

  • Qualitative analysis of existing barriers and opportunities for the implementation of large-scale H2 storage.
  • Development of use cases for large-volume H2 storage in the energy system of the future.
  • Evaluation of techno-economic feasibility and economic relevance.
  • Analysis of the regulatory and legal aspects.

"Large-volume H2 storage will ensure security of supply with renewable electricity and thus contribute to decarbonisation. In order for this to be successful, in addition to the technical feasibility, the answer to the question of an advantageous systemic integration of large-volume H2 storage into the energy system is also central."

Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Altenberger Straße 69

4040 Linz


Andreas Zauner

Senior Researcher

M + 43 (0) 732 24685657
