Underground Sun Storage 2030 - Start

"International Opening Event" brings international stakeholders to "Underground Sun Storage" in Rubensdorf

04/28/2023 | Report


Gampern, April 28, 2023

On Friday, April 28, 2023, the day after the official opening by Austrian politicians, the "International Opening Event" for international stakeholders was held.

The event was opened with a Welcome Note by Georg Dorfleutner (Managing Director, RAG Energy Storage) and an Introduction Statement by Kitti Nyitrai (Head of Unit, EU Commission - DG Energy). Afterwards, Aura Sabadus (ICIS - Energy and Cross-Commodity Writer) led an exciting panel discussion on hydrogen storage. The panel included Kitti Nyitrai (EU COM - DG ENER, Head of Unit), who was connected online, Carola Millgramm (E-Control Austria, Head of Gas Department), Nicola Rega (Cefic - European Chemical Industry Council, Energy Director), Christopher Andrey (Artelys, Director) and Markus Mitteregger (RAG Austria, CEO).

Following the panel discussion, the international guests visited the facility of the recently opened "Underground Sun Storage". In the afternoon, the visitors continued on to Zagling (7Fields) and Haidach, where they visited the internationally relevant RAG large-scale storage facilities.

During this event, the relevance of the RAG storage facilities for the security of supply in Central Europe was made clear for the first time on an international level. The guests followed the presentations and discussions on the future prospects of gaseous energy sources and seasonal storage for the next generations with lively interest.